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Our Vision & Values

What drives us?

To provide, promote and implement excellence in professional learning. 

Unity Teaching School is the designated Teaching School Hub for EENEL8 area – as a collaborative organisation we commit to providing all schools in the area excellence in professional learning to grow.


Underpinning our culture
  • Values-driven
         We have a strong sense of moral purpose; our values demand and nurture personal responsibility; we live our values
  • High expectations of all
         We set ourselves ambitious targets; we create and reinforce a culture of achievement and support in all we do
  • Relentless focus on learning
         We prioritise professional learning; we establish partnerships with thought leaders and we are always learning



  • Honesty
          We are truthful
  • Integrity
          We avoid placing ourselves under any obligation to those who might try to inappropriately influence our work
  • Selflessness
          We act solely in the interest of children and young people


  • Trust
    We are trustworthy and reliable
  • Wisdom
    We use experience, knowledge and insight, serving our schools with propriety and good sense
  • Service
         We are conscientious, dutiful and demonstrate humility


    All schools in our designated area access and experience excellence in professional learning through the DfE’s golden thread.
We create cohesion through collaboration with neighbouring Teaching School Hubs for the benefit of all schools and their pupils. We influence regional and national development of professional learning.