FUNDING UPDATEChanges to National Professional Qualification funding:What it means for you.
In 2024-2025, Unity Teaching School Hub is delighted to be an NPQ delivery partner of Ambition Institute and the National Institute of Teaching.
We are also excited to be collaborating and partnering with the team at PLN, another highly experienced Ambition Institute delivery partner, as our provision extends into Essex.
Apply for your NPQ
Applications are not yet open for NPQs starting April 2025.
If you wish to apply for an NPQ for the academic year 2024-25, please submit an expression of interest and we will guide you through the process to best support your situation and geographical location.
All state schools are eligible, however places are limited, for these fully-funded NPQs :
- NPQ in Headship
- NPQ for SENCOs
- NPQ in Leading Primary Maths
For all other NPQs, schools with the highest 50% of pupil premium pupils will be eligible for fully-funded places, as well as early years and 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage.
Funding for national professional qualifications (NPQs) - GOV.UK (
What are NPQs?
National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a national, voluntary suite of qualifications designed to support the professional development of teachers and school leaders. They equip teachers with the expertise to lead sustainable improvement across their schools. NPQs have been designed with teachers and leaders in mind using the latest evidence and can be completed flexibly around existing commitments.
During the programmes you will:
- learn from the evidence-based curriculum of your chosen qualification, drawing on effective pedagogy, current research and international best practice helping you improve in your current role, or take the next step in your career
- take part in a blend of face-to-face sessions, webinars, and self-directed study
- answer a short, assessed case study question.
Study can last between 12 and 18 months, depending on your chosen NPQ. The course structure is determined by each lead provider and delivered by a local delivery partner - e.g. Unity Teaching School Hub. See FAQs for time commitments for each NPQ.

National Professional Qualification in Early Years Leadership
In 18 months, participants will develop expertise in early years leadership, helping to give all children up to the age of five the best possible start in life.

National Professional Qualification in Leading Literacy
In 12 months, participants will become an expert in literacy and leadership and enable young people to benefit from the curriculum to improve their chances of success.

National Professional Qualification in Leading Teaching
In 12 months, you will discover what outstanding teaching looks like and use this knowledge to become a high performing leader of teaching.

National Professional Qualification in Leading Teacher Development
In 12 months, you will gain the knowledge to become a teacher educator and successfully support teachers in your school to expand their skills.

National Professional Qualification in Leading Behaviour and Culture
In 12 months, you will gain expertise in behaviour management and discover how to create a culture where staff and pupils can thrive.

National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership
This 18-month programme helps you develop your leadership knowledge and expertise to improve outcomes for teachers and pupils in your school.
National Professional Qualification in Headship & Early Headship Coaching Offer
In 18 months, you will develop the knowledge that underpins expert school leadership and apply it to become an outstanding Headteacher.

National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership
In 18 months, you will develop the expertise you need to become an outstanding executive leader, leading change and improvement across your group of schools or multi academy trust.

National Professional Qualification in Leading Primary Mathematics
In 12 months, you’ll become an expert leader of primary mathematics and learn how to embed high-quality Mastery approaches to maths teaching in your school.

National Professional Qualification for SENCOs
In 18 months, you’ll become an expert leader of special educational needs and learn how you can build an inclusive culture in your school where all pupils can succeed.