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Funding For NPQs

NPQ programmes 2024-2025 

If you wish to apply for an NPQ for the academic year 2024-25 we strongly advise that you submit an expression of interest in readiness for the DfE application window opening later this term. 

Scholarship funding

Scholarships will continue to be available to all teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs: 

˃ NPQ in Headship (and Early Headship Coaching Offer)

˃ NPQ for SENCOs

˃ NPQ in Leading Primary Maths

There is no cost to you or your school to take one of these NPQs if your setting and role and/or experience is eligible for funding. 

Scholarship funding, for schools serving the most disadvantaged pupils

In addition to the fully-funded NPQs above, the following NPQs are fully-funded for eligible teachers and leaders if you are:

  • in the top 50% of schools with the highest proportion of pupils who attract pupil premium funding;
  • a 16 to 19 setting identified as having high disadvantage; or
  • a highly disadvantaged early years setting (NPQEYL only)

˃ NPQ in Executive Leadership 

˃ NPQ in Early Years Leadership

˃ NPQ in Senior Leadership

˃ NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture

˃ NPQ in Leading Literacy

˃ NPQ in Leading Teacher Development

˃ NPQ in Leading Teaching

Please check the DfE website for up-to-date guidance, eligibility and conditions of funding.

If your school doesn’t meet the current DfE criteria then you will need to pay for your NPQ.

Eligibility for scholarship funding

Check the eligibility of your school or setting for autumn 2024 when registration opens later this year. 

You should check the course eligibility criteria before you register. You may meet the funding criteria but not the course eligibility. 

Restrictions to eligibility

You’re only eligible for funding for each NPQ once.

If you receive scholarship funding for an  NPQ but then withdraw from or fail your programme, you will not be eligible for scholarship funding for the same  NPQ  in the future.

Legacy NPQs

If you received scholarship funding for a legacy NPQ (before November 2021) and withdrew from the programme, you’re still eligible for scholarship funding for the current NPQs.

*Read more from the Department for Education (England) about the NPQs and funding eligibility.